For users who have got their PocketGo S30, I recommend you upgrade it with Simple S30. What is the Simple S30, you ask? Well, it's a new firmware created by developers in the retro community. Retro Game Corps wrote a detailed introduction about it. Thanks for all the efforts they didi! Let's dive into that!
What are the tweaks?
What are the tweaks on Simple S30? It won't disappoint. First of all, Simple S30 will allow you to play N64 ROMs on PocketGo S30, although it's based on the Mupen64Plus emulator. What's more, almost 90 emulators are playable but the bios files are required. Another nice thing here is the unit capable of the RetroArch system, it enriches options during gaming. Last but not least, Simple S30 offers a soft mechanism for security shutdown. There is, in addition, the optimized PocketGo S30 features nice visual effects. Without further ado, let's get it started!
How to upgrade your PocketGo S30?
It's quite easy and won't take much time.
- Before optimizing, a MicroSD card is required (we recommend a 64GB or 128GB MicroSD card). Then format it to FAT32 system.
- Download Simple S30 and unzip it that Retro Game Corps provides.
Move all contents included in the zip file onto your MicroSD card.
- Add ROMs into the respective emulator folder.
- Put BIOS files into RetroArch - System folder.
If all the things above are finished, then congratulations, you upgraded the PocketGo S30 successfully! There are a few hotkeys work on the RetroArch system which helps you to react quickly using different button combinations during gameplay. In the original PocketGo S30, the Power button takes many accountabilities, for example, Quit the Game/Back to Menu, POWER ON/OFF, but for now, the soft shutdown will lighten its burden. We can hold SELECT and POWER to quit the game or back to the menu. Hold the SELECT and Y button to toggle FPS, that is what the original PocketGo S30 doesn't have.
Hotkeys on RetroArch
- SELECT + POWER = Quit the game and back to the main menu
- SELECT + START = RetroArch Menu
- SELECT + Y = Toggle FPS (frames per second)
- SELECT + B = reset game
- SELECT + R1 = save state
- SELECT + L1 = load save state
- SELECT + UP on d-pad = volume up
- SELECT + DOWN on d-pad = volume down
PocketGo S30 has one of the easiest ways of playing old systems or PSP, DC.With a $59.99 price it’s one of the most reasonably priced options you can hope for. Get it on right now!